Week 1

The team focused on completing the following tasks within the first week of the project:
1-The team discussed the materials required for the project.
2- The discussion included an action plan for the coming weeks, and deadlines set by the team leader to ensure finishing the project on time; ensuring constant communication between the team members.

4- The team ran into a problem where there was a shortage of certain supplies that needed to be brought in from the EEE. For example, resistors, AC adapter and LED lights.

The items listed below are needed for this project:


Arduini Uno


Relay module        

Door lock    

Fingerprint sensor 

LCD Screen 16x2         


LED lights

100 Ohms resistors      

Male to male wires.

Female to male wires

Tasks for next week:
The team will distribute the roles between the member to start the preparation for the coming weeks. Team leader will follow up with team members. team will attempt to write the code to connect the LCD screen with the circuit. 


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